
Rules, Regulations, and Code of Conduct


The Set Up:

Each of the two stations are equipped with:

  • One Rancilio Specialty RS1

  • 1 Compak Grinder

  • Dillon’s Blend Coffee from Dillanos Coffee Roasters

  • 1 Tamper

  • 1 Knock Box

  • 12oz milk pitchers

  • Whole Milk

  • Bar towels

  • 3oz & 6oz Ceramic Cups

*Competitors are encouraged to bring your own tamper, milk pitcher, and cups

  • Everything else must remain unchanged

  • The espresso bar equipment is only to be used during competition time. At no point is anyone allowed to use the equipment after the competition for any reason outside of explicit permission given by Coffee Fest staff

The Espresso Machine Will Be Pre-Calibrated to the Following Profile:

  • 9 bars

  • R/O water

  • 200 F

  • 18 grams in

  • 32 grams out

  • 28 second duration

Pre-Competition Meeting:

We will have a meeting at the Latte Art Competition venue to cover the rules, the work area etc. 

The Competition:

On Deck:

  • Be aware of your scheduled competition time and make sure you are in the competition area at least 15 minutes before you are scheduled to start.

  • If you are not present during your competition time the MC will call your name twice. After this, the next alternate will take your space and you will not be eligible to continue in the competition.

At The Start

  • Wait until the last competitor is done cleaning and has collected their gear

  • Competitors are required to start with empty milk pitchers and may not practice on the equipment prior to the start of the competition time

  • Milk can be staged in the original milk containers

  • Cups may also be staged anywhere but the plate under the camera

  • The two competitors will have a total of 2.5 minutes to pour and submit one milk drink

  • You may pour as many drinks in the time as you like or can but the drink must be touching the plate under the cameras before the 2.5 minutes have elapsed for it to be counted.

  • If you do not make it your opponent will automatically move on.


  • When you have finished you must walk your drink over to the judges table for scoring

  • Wait in the wings for the announcement of the rounds winner

  • A runner will take the tray containing each pour to the center of the seating area for photos


1 Point per Category:

  • Speed

  • Balance/Symmetry

  • Color Distribution

  • Line Clarity

  • Creativity/Difficulty

  • Execution

  • Presentation

Suspension or Disqualification:

Coffee Fest Latte Art World Championship Open takes competitor disqualification and or suspension very seriously and will not arrive upon a disqualification and or suspension decision lightly. Any disqualification will be agreed upon by all three judges and the show director. 

Cause For Disqualification:

  • No show.

  • Abusive language toward other competitors, judges or staff.

  • Taunting and/or berating or being loud and distracting toward your opponent during their three minute competition time. 

  • Entering the other competitors space while they are on their competition time

  • Using the espresso equipment for any reason outside of you competition time and clean-up.

  • Any form of sabotage to the equipment, grinder, etc.

  • Entering the judges table space for any reason during the judging process after reasonable warning(s)

  • Failure to appear at two competitions after competitor application accepted and competitor assigned spot on bracket that has been posted and circulated.


Should a competitor fail to show up, the next alternate will be permitted to take their place. Alternates must arrive at the competition venue at the designated time to put their name on the waiting list. It is first come, first served. Previous champions may not compete as alternates. 

No-Show/Pulling From Bracket:

If a competitor is to pull from the competition after the bracket has been set or is not present for their match on-site, a "no-show" will be set against their record and may impact future competing opportunities.